Shipping Update – Antlions Don’t Like Rain

Here is Florida we have been getting rain for weeks it seems. And antlions really don’t like rain. We have been having trouble filling orders recently because of it. We have also recently been getting more orders than normal (thanks!!!).’s got to...

Summer Vacation

We will be taking a short break to enjoy the summer beginning Friday June 7th. We will be back on the 17th of June. While we are gone ordering will be disabled. Hope you are enjoying your summer!!

Shipping Time Changes

Historically we have shipped on an ad hoc basis — whenever an order would arrive we would ship within a day or two under normal circumstances. The business volume has been growing over the last year so in order to help keep the number of trips to the post office...

Shipping Cost Change

Now that winter is over and I no longer need heating pads I’m lowering the shipping cost back to $9. Overall things have been a success with no reported cases of shipments that where to cold for the ant lions. I’ll probably do the same thing next winter to...

Shipping Cost Change

We have not changed shipping cost in a long, long time .. if ever. The reality is that it cost more for us to ship most orders than we collect in shipping fees. I have resisted for a long time making any changes. However, I have decided to make an adjust at least for...

Zen Dens Back in Stock

It has taken far too long but we have the zen desks back in stock! I have been testing one out for the last few days and these are the perfect size to sit on the desk or shelf and with slick sides the ants can’t climb up and escape. So get yours...